Pleasure Network Community Update

To our beloved and loyal community of holders,
This article serves as part of our consistent, regular monthly Medium article updates that will continue to be shared on a monthly basis. Before, we would do community Voice Calls to share updates but we feel that monthly Medium articles, in combination with regular Community AMA’s every month is a more suitable dynamic of communications!
We have lots to uncover, share, and expand on for what has been happening at Pleasure Network!
Roadmap 2.0
Firstly, if you have not read it — make sure to read our:
Updated Roadmap. This is on our Pleasure Coin site:
This updated Roadmap is new, improved, and has evolved our ambitions and plans in a way that is unique — providing tangibility and clarity around our aims and deliverance timelines that not only separates Pleasure Network in this adult crypto space, but also puts us in a CLASS of our OWN!
This Roadmap spans all the way to Q2 2025 — which is a testament to our commitment to ensuring Pleasure Network is the go-to adult crypto brand!
Take a look at even the next 3 Quarters alone for 2023. It is LOADED with releases, features, and developments:
Q2 2023
V1 PleasureGuide Education Platform launch
Pleasurely V1 Direct Messaging launch
Pinkdoll Metaverse Reveal VIP BETA + Public Beta launch
PleasureNifty Digital Asset Marketplace improvements for Metaverse, Phygital NFT’s integrations across our major brands
Strip Club Prototype Unveil for PinkPass Holders (Level 1 Business Licenses)
Central Buy Swap for $NSFW purchasing on Pleasureland, PleasureNifty+PleasureCoin
Merchandise Store Launch
$NSFW Exchange Listings
Unique $NSFW Token utility release (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
Integration of Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 initiatives (Phase 1)
Podcasts, Twitter Spaces, & select AMA collaborations
Marketing campaigns (Crypto, PR, Global) for $NSFW, Pleasurely, Pleasureland, PleasureNifty
Strategic partnerships for mass creator onboarding+token growth
Q3 2023
V2 PleasureGuide Education Platform launch
Pleasurely V2 Direct Messaging
Pleasurely Subscription Tiers+Auto Renewals
$NSFW Exchange Listings
Fiat Onboarding into PleasureLand
Developmental campaigns for Gamification and Metaverse Advertising
Fiat/CC Integrations for Pleasurely to purchase $NSFW
Creator-Investor Staking Rewards Program with Gamification
Integration of Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 initiatives (Phase 2)
Podcasts, Twitter Spaces, & select AMA collaborations
Marketing campaigns (Crypto, PR, Global) for $NSFW, Pleasurely, Pleasureland, PleasureNifty
Strategic partnerships for mass creator onboarding+token growth
Q4 2023
Crypto/Adult Conventions for Brand Awareness
TechTree release + Pleasureland Community Voting Platform
Strategic Gaming Partnerships for Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 and Adult Metaverse
Integration of Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 initiatives (Phase 3)
$NSFW Exchange Listings
Pleasurely featured creator advertising system
Pleasurely Live Streaming/Webcamming
Level 2+ Business licences/new business opportunities in PleasureLand
Crypto+Adult Conventions for building Brand Awareness + Traffic
Podcasts, Twitter Spaces, & select AMA collaborations
Marketing campaigns (Crypto, PR, Global) for $NSFW, Pleasurely, Pleasureland, PleasureNifty
Strategic partnerships for mass creator onboarding+token growth
As you can see, there is lots to look forward to with regards to our Roadmap. The goals are clear: We are a creator-first platform, ecosystem and wealth generator. We are creating a never-been-done before company wide system that ensures we can mass onboard creators (A Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 initiative), provide incentives in the form of updated rewards for Creators, provide the necessary education in both cryptocurrencies and our brands, and ensuring a proper synergy between our 3 Core Brands — Pleasurely, PleasureLand, and PleasureNifty, keeping users, investors, and creators using and utilizing $NSFW, our added utilities coming, and keeping everyone within our ecosystem with our gamification strategies and other unique releases as well.
You can all also see that we are actively pushing for exposure not only across all of our brands (PleasureNifty, Pleasurely, and PleasureLand) but also our native token, $NSFW.
As you can see in our Updated Roadmap, there are going to be some major releases coming, and we will be sharing more throughout this quarter on some of these roadmap points, so stay tuned for this!
Exchange Listings
We can confirm that there are multiple exchanges we are in contact with, and we are looking to expand our reach through the increased availability to purchase and own $NSFW. With this being said, we are being selective and strategizing around the best next exchanges that will create the biggest differences and impacts for our native token, and keeping in mind what kind of market demographics/geographies we want to expand our reach on.
Social Media Management
We have recently onboarded a new SMM to help drive traffic, followers, and create fresh content in a consistent fashion. We feel this new team member addition will help drive our socials and build out our followings and exposure across all of our social. We now have multiple team members that are focusing on adult and crypto media management. As the saying goes.. more hands makes heavy work feel light!
Tech Update
In the month of March, Cloudinary, the company that provide our cloud based management services, told us that Pleasurely had breached their updated terms of service around the nature of Pleasurely and it being adult-focused. While this may have looked like a hindrance or setback, our amazing development team managed to find a more cost-effective cloud computing service.
Why we are sharing this is because the Adult Space has already inherent stigmas and barriers to freedom of expression for creators, and we believe that we are at the fore-front of creating the necessary solutions to push our creator-first focused causes — doing it in decentralized fashion that creates no chargebacks, full privacy, instant withdrawals, and cutting out intermediary, traditional companies that are taking away these creator freedoms above.
Conventions/Live Events
We are sponsoring the SNAP Awards on June 15th 2023. SNAP is a support network for Adult Professionals — a membership of industry professionals, creators, and performers, and select core team members will be in attendance in order to help promote and share Pleasure Network along with building specific adult connection that can act as strategic partnerships and collaborations. The goal is to align our brand alongside the biggest Adult Brands, and provide us the opportunity to market Pleasure Network and our subsidiary brands within it.
Over the next year, we will be looking at various adult conventions and shows, from AVN, XBIZ, Exotica, Bucharest Summit, and more, to see which shows are aligned with our paths and visions.
Pleasure Network is making BIG moves — we have an extremely bullish roadmap, existing established products, and a growing community with a well-versed team that is poised to dominate this Adult Crypto space.
Major, strategic crypto marketing is already in the works, and the core team feels that this year is PLEASURE NETWORKS’ YEAR!